EnergyTConsultant (ETC) - Annette Nüsslein · Meppener Str. 9 · 45145 Essen · Germany · Tel.: +49 (0)157 54859437 ·

NEW! Webinar: Green Hydrogen - Business opportunities and potentials in Western Switzerland with GGBa

Solutions for industry - Solutions for energy suppliers and natural gas grid operators - Solutions for mobility

Target group: Executives and decision-makers, company directors, project managers, business development, sales (international)


Date: 30 March 2022 | Time: 13.00 – 15.45 pm (CET)

Target group: Executives and decision-makers, company directors, project managers, business development, sales (international)

More information:

NEW! Hydrogen in Switzerland 2021 (report)

More about GGBa:


Interested? Contact us:

EnergyTConsultant – Annette Nuesslein
Annette Nuesslein
Phone: +49 (0) 157 54 85 94 37
Wiesdorfer Straße 5
40591 Düsseldorf


Please, register if you are interested here:
Please, take note: You will receive a confirmation of your registration, if we can guarantee you a place.
Participation is free of charge.







13.00 – 13.05 pm   Welcome

  • Annette Nüsslein, EnergyTConsultant

13.05 – 13.15 pm   Welcome GGBa

  • Thomas Bohn, Executive Director, GGBa, Invest Western Switzerland
  • Sara Schneider-Hamaï, Director Germany & Benelux, GGBa, Invest Western Switzerland

13.15 – 14.15 pm   Proactive climate protection – Hydrogen in Switzerland

  • Eric Plan, Secretary General, CleantechAlps
  • Dr. Stefan Oberholzer, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Programme, Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE
  • Prof. Jessen Page, Professor - Energy Systems at HES-SO Valais Wallis, and Jan Van Herle, Senior Scientist, Campus Energypolis – an innovation district

14.15 – 14.25 pm   Q & A 

14.25 – 15.10 pm  Spotlight on logistics and industry

  • Dr. Yorick Ligen, Director Infrastructure and Regions, GreenGT SA (Ecublens/Collombey-Muraz)
  • Dr. Peter Waldenberger, Head of global quality and environmental management, Gebrüder Weiss Gesellschaft m.b.H. (Austria)
  • Matthias Kramer, CFO / CEO, Hoeller Electrolyzer GmbH (Germany)

15.10 – 15.20 pm   Q & A 

15.20 – 15.40 pm   Green hydrogen in Switzerland: opportunities and challenges (panel discussion with Professor Hubert Girault)

  • Professor Hubert Girault, H2Valais (Collombey)
  • Frédéric Haase, Business Development Manager,Materia Nova (Belgium/Germany)
  • Dr.-Ing. Gert Schlegel, Network Manager, HZwo e.V. (Germany)
  • Sara Schneider-Hamaï, Director Germany & Benelux, GGBa, Invest Western Switzerland

15.40 – 15.45 pm   Closing words 

  • Thomas Bohn, Executive Director, GGBa, Invest Western Switzerland

Annette Nüsslein and Sara Schneider-Hamaï, Director Germany & Benelux, GGBa, Invest Western Switzerland

More information: Annette Nuesslein, EnergyTConsultant, Mail:, Phone: +49(0)15754859437

Sara Schneider-Hamai

Sara Schneider-Hamaï is the Director Germany and Benelux at Greater Geneva Bern area and a Senior expert in Foreign Direct Investment Attraction. With more than 10 years’ experience, Sara has supported numerous companiesmore in their international expansion in Europe, the US and Asia.

From 2015-2019, Sara was Head of Operations at the German office of leading FDI consulting company OCO Global. Prior to this, Sara worked as an Investment Promotion Manager in Paris Region as well as in Frankfurt, Germany supporting international companies in their market entry in France and Germany. Since 2019, Sara Schneider-Hamaï has supported a number of companies in identifying their business opportunities and ideal location in Western Switzerland, including Approach (Belgium), Inula (Belgium), W&K Industriemontage (Germany) and Gentics (Austria). 

Sara holds a MSc in Urban Policy from the London School of Economics and a Master’s degree from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). Sara is a German-French native speaker, is fluent in English and has an excellent knowledge of Spanish.

Sara Schneider-Hamaï

Director Germany & Benelux
+49 69 469 09 660
+49 173 603 64 98

The Greater Geneva Bern area (GGBa) is the official investment promotion agency for Western Switzerland. Its mission is to support foreign companies so that they can quickly establish and develop their operations in Western Switzerland. Its services include: providing information on business environment, taxation, operational costs and labor law; facilitating contacts with peer companies and industry groups; evaluating the best location for each company’s needs and finding suitable premises. This support is provided at no charge and on a confidential basis. Since its creation in 2010, the GGBa has successfully assisted hundreds of companies mainly from Europe, North America and Asia.

Thomas Bohn

Thomas Bohn is the Executive Director of the Greater Geneva Bern area (GGBa), Western Switzerland’s investment promotion agency. He has over 15 years of investment promotion experience gained in Germany, Japan, France and Switzerland.

  • 1976: Born in Strasbourg, France
  • 1998: After graduating in Political Science and completing specialized graduate studies in Germanic Studies, he works as press attaché at the Consulate of France in Leipzig, Germany, then in Frankfurt
  • 2002: He starts working for the Invest in France agency, where he is in charge of the automotive sector
  • 2005: Transferred to Tokyo, where he is in charge of the Japanese and Korean markets
  • 2008: Responsible for the economic promotion of the canton of Bern in France
  • 2010: Joins the GGBa, the newly created investment promotion agency of Western Switzerland
  • 2015: Appointed as Executive Director of the GGBa

The Greater Geneva Bern area (GGBa) is the official investment promotion agency for Western Switzerland. Its mission is to support foreign companies so that they can quickly establish and develop their operations in Western Switzerland. Its services include: providing information on business environment, taxation, operational costs and labor law; facilitating contacts with peer companies and industry groups; evaluating the best location for each company’s needs and finding suitable premises. This support is provided at no charge and on a confidential basis. Since its creation in 2010, the GGBa has successfully assisted hundreds of companies mainly from Europe, North America and Asia.
